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News older than eighteen months can be found in the archive
Mel Stevens, Chief Executive and Antony Mullen, Research and Impact Manager, discuss the fallout from recent riots.
A refection on activity over the summer, covering elections and devolution and the new Government's agenda.
Post-local elections reflection from Ed Hammond, and the need for scrutiny training in leadership.
Ed Hammond's commentary on the Government's new version of the statutory guidance on overview and scrutiny.
An introduction to relationships in the "golden triangle" of Monitoring Officer, Chief Finance Officer and Chief Executive.
Camilla de Bernhardt Lane explores ways to navigate Council budgets and pressures associated with finance.
A dive into relationships, behaviours and conduct management, involving members, officers, and the public.
Information about external review and peer-led assurance techniques, associated with the "Corporate Peer Challenge.”
An outline of how complaints can improve the corporate governance process, with focus on Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.
Government guidance for combined authorities on overview and scrutiny arrangements, alongside a CfGS perspective and guide.
Exploration of how scrutiny is used effectively in quality assurance and who is responsible for this.
CfGS explainer on our guidance for councillors on their rights to access information.
Core elements in the Scrutiny of children’s services.
Discussion piece on DHSC new health scrutiny arrangements.
An account of how council chambers can have significant impact on how people relate to governance and scrutiny.
Ideas to increase the reach of scrutiny activities and increase public engagement.
Core elements for strengthening positive dynamics of member/officer relationships.
Step-by-step guide to putting together a scrutiny training and development programme.
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