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Search by Resource type, Sector or Topic. Publications from before 2020 can be found in the archive.
Taking Scrutiny Seriously is a series of tools to help council CEOs and senior statutory officers improve the profile and impact of their council...
This is a short research report commissioned by the Combined Authorities Governance Network (CAGN) to explore the governance relationship with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)....
This is a short research report commissioned by the Combined Authorities Governance Network (CAGN) to explore the management of freedom of information (FOI) requests...
This guide is intended to provide advice to councils, councillors and officers on the operation of overview and scrutiny; we also hope and expect...
This is an update to a discussion paper produced in early 2018, expanding further on our proposals for local Public Accounts Committees ("local PACs")...
Design of a "Quality of Scrutiny" programme as part of a delivery and business plan.
Why is it needed? What will it deliver? How will it work? The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny believes that current accountability arrangements are not strong enough...
The Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC), before Christmas, put out the latest in a series of reports which have been generally unconvinced of the...
Jacqui comments and Ed blogs on the new Public Accounts Committee report. Jacqui McKinlay, Chief Executive of CfGS, commenting on the release of the Public...
Design of programmes to align scrutiny and school improvement, delivering a positive impact on the local education system.
An example of impact though scrutiny essentials training.
An example of impact through health scrutiny training.
A case study on an overview and scrutiny review at city council level.
Scrutiny training as part of the councillor induction process.
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