Andrew Burns

Andrew Burns

Andrew Burns is an Associate Director of CIPFA, previously he was President of the organisation in 2017/18.  He was also a former Chairman of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB). Until December 2018, he was the Director of Finance and Resources for Staffordshire County Council (SCC) with strategic responsibility for Finance, IT, Digital, Property, Commercial and Customer Services and was Treasurer of the Staffordshire Pension Fund. Andrew led the financial transformation programme that delivered £200m savings and significant service improvement in Staffordshire. For his CCAB role, Andy took leadership of the group representing the main UK accountancy bodies, which has a combined membership of over 380,000 professional accountants worldwide.

Andy has an MBA from Aston Business School and is also a Past President of the Society of County Treasurers. He is a Director of Andrew Burns Consulting Ltd, a paid Independent Adviser to Impower Consulting Ltd, a paid Non-Executive Director of Housing Plus Group Ltd and an unpaid director of Technology Procurement Association Ltd.