Topic: Governance
Birmingham City Council
1Following intervention, Birmingham City Council commissioned a Governance Stabilisation Plan to support its immediate and short-term challenges.
2London Borough of Barnet
1A governance change journey, moving from committee to cabinet system and spotlighting challenges and opportunities along the way.
2Regional Public Accounts Committees
1This is the fourth edition of a technical paper first published in 2013.
2Audit, Scrutiny and Risk
1Our latest publication summarising research on how audit and scrutiny can work together to tackle the management and oversight of risk.
2Health scrutiny and the new reconfiguration arrangements
1This is a guide to the new reconfiguration arrangements, issued to complement statutory guidance issued by Government on 9 January 2024.
2Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority
1Governance change example, using a bespoke approach to scrutiny at combined authority level.
2The use of call-in: guidance for English authorities
1A technical paper giving advice on the operation and review of critical elements of governance framework for local authorities in England.
2The review and redrafting of constitutions: guidance for English authorities
1A technical paper giving advice on the operation and review of critical elements of governance framework for local authorities in England.
2Reviewing schemes of delegation: guidance for English authorities
1A technical paper giving advice on the operation and review of critical elements of governance framework for local authorities in England.
2Local Public Accounts Committees
1A paper which discusses governance and partnerships in the context of local Public Accounts Committees.