
Our annual scrutiny survey has opened today, and we have a message from our Chief Executive


2020 marked the 20th anniversary since legislation was passed for the overview and scrutiny function in English and Welsh councils. Of course last year was also defined by the covid-19 pandemic, and its impacts on communities and local government.

We thought it best to delay our annual survey whilst councils were grappling with new demands and ways of working, but our 2020/21 survey is now open, and you can complete it by clicking here.

We hope this survey will help us, and you, to better collectively understand governance and scrutiny issues. Ultimately, the information we gather from the survey is used to inform the guidance and support we provide, our discussions with government and other sector bodies to improve policy, and our work to promote the role of scrutiny and good governance.

As an incentive to fill in the survey, everyone who provides a response will be entered into a draw for a free pass to our conference in December! Three passes are on offer and can either be used by you or any other person you choose to nominate.

We expect to publish the headline findings of the survey in March with full results shortly thereafter.

– Jacqui McKinlay