
Learning and development

Finance Essentials

  • Advise on duties around financial oversight and scrutiny
  • Explore local authority finance
  • Explain how to plan for in-year reviews
  • Discuss the benefits of scrutiny in budget development
  • Identify what needs to be in place for medium-term financial strategy
  • Tailor to the learning needs of new or established members
  • Support members to understand and tackle their duties around financial oversight and scrutiny
  • Discuss the role of scrutiny in budget development and the medium term financial strategy
  • Examine the relationship between scrutiny and the councils Audit committee
  • Build confidence in what to look at and how to address questions in relation to finance scrutiny
  • Deliver one standalone session or a series of more detailed linked seminars

Questioning Skills

  • Explore skills and techniques for effective questioning
  • Review types of questions and when to apply them
  • Refresh and refine capability
  • Evaluate types of data and information to construct questions
  • Provide an introduction to the skills and technique to build and refine effective questions
  • Refresh skills for experienced councillors (including chairs) who would time out to reflect and refine their existing skills
  • Look at preparation as a key skill to productive questions
  • Consider the construction of questions to ensure that key details are examined to enable scrutiny to make robust recommendations

Scrutiny in Budget Development

  • Identify key outcomes for budget scrutiny
  • Review member and officer capability
  • Provide input for planning budget scrutiny
  • Conduct coaching and support to develop capability
  • Conduct activity to identify the key local outcomes for budget scrutiny
  • Support councils to identify where the impact is most likely to be, and focus efforts in this space
  • Provide input to produce a coherent plan for scrutiny involvement throughout the budget process
  • Support for members to understand the objectives of budget scrutiny
  • Assist officers in providing councillors with the information and advice they need to support the budget scrutiny process
  • Offer coaching and mentoring support to develop councillors’ skills as part of the budget process

Scrutiny Essentials

  • Explore the links between successful scrutiny programmes and organisational and political culture
  • Provide guidance around scrutiny's legal powers, access to information, work programming and developing recommendations
  • Run an interactive, engaging session suited to all whether new or established their roles
  • Refresh scrutiny knowledge and confidence
  • Offer a bespoke solution to your particular organisational needs and circumstances
  • Guidance around scrutiny's legal powers, access to information, work programming and developing recommendations
  • Offer similar sessions for executive-side officers who may not be familiar with the political dynamics of scrutiny in an authority
  • Engagement is led to ensure delegates get what they need from the session
  • Explore best practice on Access to Information and work programming
  • Provide advice and top tips for developing recommendations

Using Performance, Finance & Risk Data

  • Explore how data and evidence can be used to support scrutiny
  • Explain how to interpret data to help members prioritise work
  • Build confidence on how to use data oversight to escalate issues
  • Understand members rights to access information and how to get hold of the right information at the right time.
  • Discuss how to interpret and use the information to help them I their scrutiny role.
  • Explore how to use data to help prioritise work and use resource in the most effective way.
  • Identify key data to escalate issues where necessary to committee for public debate, discussion and decision.
  • Deliver practical exercises and introduces ways to use data to support effective work programming.

Work Programming

  • Examine the building blocks of effective work programming
  • Explore how to select the right topics at the right time
  • Understand how to apply logic and method to the topics that are selected
  • Build a realistic programme of topics
  • Examine how selecting the right topics, and scrutinising them at the right time is crucial to bringing impact to a scrutiny function
  • Reflect on how work programming happens now and opportunities to streamline
  • Consider how to balance a work programme where each topic has the time it deserves, rather than an over populated programme which is unrealistic to scrutinise effectively