Author: admin
BLOG: Look After Yourselves People, by Helen Mitchell – Interim Manager/Consultant in policy at Oxfordshire County Council
Look After Yourselves People I write this blog a few short weeks after World Mental Health Day – a day to advocate for, and signpost to, a greater understanding and appreciation for mental health and how we can all take active steps to improve it. I’ll share in this blog how colleagues within Scrutiny are […]
Reflecting on the last 6-months with CfGS
I had always intended to write a blog reflecting on my first 6-months as Chief Executive at CfGS. However, I must admit to never having been expecting to do so in circumstances that meant I’d also be reflecting on my last 6-months as CEO here at the Centre! As Harold McMillan once famously observed, unanticipated […]
To pick or not to pick: A question of work planning
Last month the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS) was consulting on proposals for new statutory guidance on overview and scrutiny in local government. The eagerly awaited Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) text is due to be published in December 2018, and local authorities are required to ‘have regard to’ it’s content. […]