Book a place at the CfGS Conference 2025

We want to know what you think!

Do you work as a senior scrutiny officer in an English or Welsh Council? Do you have time to make a real difference to improving scrutiny across councils in England and Wales? Then we need your help and expertise.

Each year, the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny invites all councils in England and Wales to complete a survey in order to gain in-depth insights and an overview of scrutiny functions across English and Welsh councils.

Your views will be invaluable to enable us to identify trends and themes which will contribute to us understanding scrutiny across councils nationally, and to informing the guidance and advice that we provide; helping to strengthen the role of scrutiny and governance in the public sector.

We are inviting the most senior officer responsible for scrutiny at your council to tell us about your work and your opinions about the scrutiny function at your council by completing our survey. You’ll be helping us to gain a fuller picture about scrutiny in councils throughout England and Wales.

The survey will help us, among several issues, to:

• Understand challenges and pressures that councils face within scrutiny and to consider potential solutions.
• Gain robust, real-life evidence to help us to work in partnership to improve scrutiny in councils across the region.
• Obtain examples about what is working well. These examples could be useful to others.

The survey is available here or by clicking the survey monkey link below: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/cfgsannualsurvey2022

We will be publishing our initial survey findings in the Spring.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Annette Aiken on annette.aiken@cfgs.org.uk