
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

This is a journey that showcases the impactful work of the past four years and also evidences how Stockton-on-Tees have reflected the four principles of effective scrutiny in the work they’ve conducted.

In this report, you’ll find insights into a wide array of community issues that have been scrutinised with a relentless commitment to improvement. Topics include care homes for older people, child poverty, fraud awareness, home energy efficiency and highways asset management. For each of these topics there is a clear link between what the committee considered and what impact the scrutiny work has had. It is great to see how scrutiny has supported improvements to services for the people who live and work in Stockton-on-Tees.

Beyond the core topics, the report also delves into quality assurance, monitoring, training, and development. It also references the press attention that scrutiny receives, and how their scrutiny team have been delivering ‘awareness raising’ work amongst council officers, which is a great way to ensure that everyone understands and recognises the value of scrutiny.

You can read the full report here.

This isn’t just a collection of findings and recommendations; it’s a testament to the power of the scrutiny function and the dedication of the whole Council to ensuring scrutiny is a success and has impact. It’s about transparency, accountability, and making Stockton-on-Tees a better place to live and work.

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