Book a place at the CfGS Conference 2025

Glasgow City Council

The client and background

Glasgow City Council asked CfGS to design and deliver a series of member development sessions to support a strategic approach to scrutiny at the council.

Unlike England, Wales and Northern Ireland, there are no legislative provisions for local government scrutiny in Scotland. However, many Scottish Councils recognise the benefits that formal scrutiny can bring in ensuring best value and by making decision-making structures more efficient, accountable and transparent

What we did and the impact

CfGS conducted training sessions virtually, setting out best practice and providing an opportunity for members to explore:

  • Prioritising work programmes
  • Selecting relevant data and information
  • Building an evidence base
  • Questioning strategy
  • Developing lines of enquiry
  • Formulating recommendations
  • Making an impact through scrutiny

These sessions, offered to all members, were designed to be interactive – structured with a blend of coaching, small group discussion and open plenary. The aim of the sessions was for members to develop greater insight and impact through their scrutiny activity, we received positive feedback and will continue to support scrutiny in Scottish Councils.

If you would like CfGS to support your organisation to help drive improvement in the way you do business please get in touch by emailing info@cfgs.org.uk