
London and Quadrant Housing

The client and background 

London and Quadrant Housing (L&Q) is a regulated charitable housing association and one of the UK’s most successful independent social businesses. The L&Q Group houses around 250,000 people in more than 110,000 homes, primarily across London and the South East.

In taking a comprehensive look at its governance framework, L&Q commissioned CfGS to review its governance and accountability structure to ensure it gives its residents a suitable role in affecting policy, influencing key decisions and the shaping the future of their communities.

 What we did and the impact 

CfGS agreed the scope of the review including examining the role of residents in decision-making, ensuring the resident voice is heard effectively and that there is meaningful resident involvement and accountability within governance structures.

CfGS brought together an expert team of senior members of the core team and an associate with expertise in resident involvement and social housing. The review methodology included desk research, observations, interviews, a survey of residents, senior leaders and board members, focus groups and consideration of good practice from within housing and other sectors.

The final report was considered by the L&Q Board, all the finding were accepted and recommendations implemented.


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