By Scarlett Ryan, Governance Officer
Since graduating with a politics degree in 2022, I moved to a career in Local Government and am now an experienced Governance Officer. Compared to others in my team, I am in a graduate position, having entered the role straight from university and therefore learning on the job.
To develop my knowledge and experience; my manager asked me to support the Scrutiny Team and undertake a Task and Finish Group review. I felt extremely excited and lucky to have the opportunity to be involved in Scrutiny work and policy making.
The Scrutiny function had been re-introduced in Barnet in 2023 when the Council’s governance arrangements were changed, and many Councillors and officers were introduced to Scrutiny for the first time. Overview and Scrutiny was entirely new to me and many of my colleagues. I had no experience in this field but saw it as a good opportunity for development and to expand my knowledge and skills beyond my current ‘Governance’ role. An experienced Scrutiny Officer in my wider team was asked to support me in this process and my manager was on hand when I needed it. The topic of the review was Youth Homelessness, which is currently a rising national problem and therefore essential for Barnet to investigate and stay ahead of the problem.
I wanted to share my experience of this process as I believe my journey will be useful for recent graduates starting a career in local government/politics, or a Democratic Services Officer undertaking a Task and Finish Group review for the first time. Hopefully it demonstrates a good development opportunity and is a reflection on the difference between Governance and Scrutiny work.
Please find attached the link to the Task and Finish Group final report: Appendix A – Youth Homelessness Task and Finish Group Report.pdf (
Challenges and opportunties
I was keen for a real challenge and development opportunity which meant that I wanted to lead the process. I explained my personal aims for the project and myself, and my Scrutiny colleague agreed to help plan out the evidence sessions which I would then lead and only call upon my colleague if necessary.
To lead and guide the review, I first had to gain a broader understanding of youth homelessness nationally as well as the Barnet picture to be able to best outline the context and issues and advise the various Members involved.
Formal statutory committee structures are very different to the flexible and informal Scrutiny processes. This was challenging at first, as there was no set template and structure, and it felt like everything was in flux. I like to work with clarity and in an environment with clear goals, boundaries, and deadlines. My Task and Finish Group review took me out of my comfort zone completely.
Meetings involved juggling a plethora of busy senior officers and councillors diaries which were often difficult to arrange particularly due competing demands and an occasional lack of enthusiasm from some parties involved in the review at times. My entire review was arranged with the sequence of meetings scheduled only a few weeks apart to maintain the momentum and meet deadlines.
Initiatives and Actions Taken
When starting the review and scoping the topic, I had undertaken extensive background research and had drafted a project plan, which provided the core foundations to my review.
- The project plan included a draft timeline, outlining how many meetings and what they were, and suggested witnesses and visits to local services. This was central to the timing and therefore success of the review. The project plan and scope were well received and agreed by Members at the first meeting.
- The Task and Finish Group review undertook a site visit to see and hear the realities of youth homelessness for young people. I had drafted a series of questions for the Members to ask young people to establish the essential information which could be included in the review. The site visit was extremely insightful and played a vital role for the Members when developing recommendations.
Outcomes and Impact
Undertaking this Task and Finish Group was a key development opportunity for my career as I explored a new role with different responsibilities. It expanded my skillset and encouraged me to take a more hands on approach working directly with Members and liaising with senior Council officers and therefore advising them from a scrutiny/ policy perspective.
I arranged Barnet’s first roundtable discussion for scrutiny where participants were invited to contribute equally and learn from each other. Members, Council officers, and Partners attended to discuss Youth Homelessness. As the lead officer, I had the opportunity to advise, guide, support and help Councillors tease out key issues and potential recommendations.
The Task and Finish Group review was a success and is expected to make a positive contribution to addressing the issue of youth homelessness within Barnet. All recommendations have been supported by officers and is due to go to Cabinet soon after being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Lessons Learned
Advice I would give those undertaking a Task and Finish Group review is to:
- Be confident but know when to ask for support and guidance.
- Have a good understanding of the of subject area by reading reports from charities, think tanks, existing Task and Finish Group reviews from other authorities or the Greater London Authority, subject experts, and government policy/ guidance.
- Draft a comprehensive project plan and scoping document but remember flexibility and be adaptable to the situation you are faced with.
- Be understanding of constraints and availability of Members, officers, and resources.
Future Directions
It was a huge boost to my confidence to organise and deliver a Task and Finish Group and I feel that I am on track with my future career aspirations. After a great first experience, I am due to manage another Task and Finish Group review in 2024-25. I am excited to work on some specific areas which I struggled with, such as scheduling, so I ensure to plan the cycle of meetings in advance.
Scarlett Ryan, Governance Officer