Book a place at the CfGS Conference 2025

London Borough of Newham

The client and background

Following her election, Rokhsana Fiaz, the elected Mayor of Newham, committed to establishing an independent democracy commission to look at the future of the council’s governance arrangements, as well as the council’s engagement with local people. CfGS were commissioned along with the Democratic Society (Demsoc) to provide the secretariat for the Commission.

What we did and the impact

CfGS carried out research on national and international approaches to governance, and organised three public evidence sessions with a selection of experts. We supported the design and delivery of a range of public engagement activities and carried out a survey of Newham’s councillors. At the end of the process, we supported Commissioners to develop findings and recommendations, and produced drafts of the final report, which was published in summer 2020. In October 2020, Newham committed to the implementation of most of the recommendations.


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