Devolution expert takes up new role

New trustee: Dr Diana Stirbu
The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Diana Stirbu to its Trustee Board. Dr Stirbu is Senior Lecturer in Public Administration at London Metropolitan University and a leading academic in the field governance, devolution and public administration. Having worked in the public sector and academia and with first-hand experience of the education sector her background is a great fit for CfGS’s current policy priorities..
Lord Bob Kerslake, Chair of Trustees said: “We are delighted to welcome Diana to the Board. Her experience and academic insight will help us ensure that CfGS’s work continues to be grounded in the best available evidence. As local government, and its partners, grapple with the redistribution of powers her deep understanding of devolution will be particularly valuable.”
Dr Diana Stirbu said: “I am pleased to be joining the board of this influential organisation. CfGS is focused on improving transparency and accountability across all public services, issues which are important to me academically and personally. I hope my expertise can be used to influence policy and practice in public sector governance, and conversely I can build some of CfGS’s practical expertise in to future research.”
Applications for the CfGS trustee positions were invited through open advertisements and direct marketing. Dr Stirbu was selected from a field of applicants based on her written submission and subsequent interview with trustees.