
An update on our work with ENGIE.

ENGIE launched their Responsible Business Charter in 2018 which included commitments in the four areas of:

  • fair business growth,
  • transparency and accountability,
  • being a fair employer,
  • and supporting communities and the environment.

These commitments are owned and governed at Group CEO and UK CEO level and aligned to their global corporate objectives.

ENGIE are held to account on the Responsible Business Charter by an Independent Scrutiny Board, established and supported by CfGS, who have now reported for the second time on progress made in their annual report – you can read the report in full here.

The Scrutiny Board has worked closely with the organisation to challenge, support and provide recommendations. The approach of the Scrutiny Board has focused on positively influencing the organisation by adding value through its experience – and driving the business to be ambitious for its employees, clients and communities.

The Scrutiny Board highlighted a number of achievements over the past 12 months and was satisfied that realistic and robust action plans are in place to monitor them. A table summarising progress against each of the Responsible Business Charter Commitments can be found here.

Nicola Lovett, CEO ENGIE UK & Ireland said:
“The Charter and the scrutiny of our development against the commitments is driving significant progress, improving how we operate as an employer, contractor, partner and leader within our sector. There is however much more to be done to meet our own high targets and we will continually evolve the way we work to better meet the changing needs of our stakeholders. As a result, I am confident we will continue to set new standards for responsible business for the industry to follow.”

The Scrutiny Board will continue its role throughout 2021 to validate and scrutinise the KPIs of the charter, with the outcomes and recommendations published in the next annual report, managed and overseen by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny to ensure independence.