
This guide is for local councillors in district and borough councils who want to know more about how to work with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) –the independent regulator for health and adult social care in England.

It has been produced jointly by the CQC and the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny with the involvement of district and borough council officers and councillors. It explains what CQC is and what we do. It identifies the main opportunities for two-way information sharing between district councils and CQC. It provides examples of the health and care issues that district councillors can raise with CQC and how to do this, and the information CQC holds about care services that will be useful for district councillors. It also recognises the differencesbetween district and county councils in two-tier systems.

We hope district councillors will start to share information they gather about people’s experiences of care with CQC to help us improve the quality of local services.

