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CfGS is working on a project with the Gambling Commission to raise awareness, and increase the involvement of elected members, in tackling gambling harms. Part of our research project has involved collating examples of local authority scrutiny work on the issue of gambling harms.

The following case study collection presents the approaches that local authorities have taken through scrutiny, and highlights both a commitment to implementing the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms and real progress towards supporting those who are most vulnerable to the negative impacts of gambling.

We hope that these examples will serve as useful precedents for councils either considering the topic on their scrutiny work programme or unsure of the approach to take.

As with any public health issue, reducing harm is often complex and involves a ‘whole systems’ approach. To inform the approach that scrutiny could take with tackling gambling harms, we have also included examples of scrutiny delivering benefits by reviewing other public health issues.
