The latest news on the NHS health scrutiny programme
Success in delivering Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) and Accountability Care Systems (ACSs) in England depends on positive local partnership working and effective scrutiny and governance. There are examples of strong relationships between the NHS and local government that have already delivered improved services – but these relationships do not exist everywhere. Failing to engage local politicians, who are the democratic foundation of local government, risks plans to change healthcare services becoming difficult to implement.
We are supporting in two ways:
- through a specially designed national training day for people involved in health scrutiny, helping to build knowledge about health and social care services and the principles of effective health scrutiny. We have an STP themed training day on 9th November in London (link to book).
- bringing together people involved with ACSs and STPs and local government colleagues to build knowledge about the different ways in which the NHS and local government work, identify some common goals and understand and overcome some of the common barriers. Watch out for more details on these events through our newsletter, email alerts and twitter updates.
You may find it useful to read our recent review of STP Governance: the Verdict so far. In the meantime if you require any support locally on the development of your approaches to STP governance and making it work in reality please contact Tim Gilling whose contact details are here.