James was first elected to Erewash Borough Council in Derbyshire in 2011 representing the Awsworth Road Ward, Becoming Leader of the Opposition & Shadow Lead Member for Strategic Lead and Policy in 2015. James became Leader of the Council after taking control following the Local Elections in 2023
James has been a member of the LGA Safer Stronger Communities Board since 2016, taking on the role of Drowning Prevention and Modern Slavery Champion in 2017 and 2022 respectively. James has also recently become a trustee of the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny on behalf of the Local Government Association.
Outside of Politics James is a Trustee of Bennerley Viaduct – one of only two wrought Iron Viaducts left in the UK, Secretary of his local Sea Cadet Unit, a School Governor and a Governor member of the RNLI, alongside being Founder member of the National Museum of the Royal Navy. In his spare time James has keen interest in Military and Maritime History, and can often be found out on the water sailing or boating.