Natalie is seconded to CfGS from her substantive role of Head of Scrutiny at Herts County Council. She has been leading Scrutiny for 5 years and before that was the authority’s Scrutiny Officer. During her time in Scrutiny she has been the key officer for both Overview & Scrutiny and the Health Scrutiny Committee. She has been the officer lead for the Impact of Scrutiny Advisory Committee (ISAC) which is responsible for monitoring and signing off scrutiny’s recommendations.
She has supported members conducting scrutiny on SEND, Gambling Harms, Hate Crime, the county’s 3 day budget scrutiny and the annual deep dive into the patient experience and outcomes as part of the health scrutiny function.
Natalie is committed to ensuring Scrutiny is robust and respected, working with members and officers to ensure residents interests are represented. She has led induction for new and returning councillors, external training for local government lawyers; and has mentored staff. Natalie has worked across a range of services including working with GPs and CCGs, Adult Care Services and Libraries & Information.
Natalie has completed the CIPFA Certificate of Governance, leads the authority’s Women’s Group (with 200 members) and has been Chair of Governors at a local secondary school.”