Topic: Health
Health scrutiny and the new reconfiguration arrangements
1Guidance material to support practitioners to better understand how they can act on new arrangements for the scrutiny of local NHS reconfigurations.
2Health scrutiny and the new reconfiguration arrangements
1This is a guide to the new reconfiguration arrangements, issued to complement statutory guidance issued by Government on 9 January 2024.
2Health and Care Act: discussion paper
1A discussion paper on Regulations and Statutory Guidance relating to health scrutiny, further to the Health and Care Act 2022.
2Health and Care Act 2022
1A briefing paper on local accountability of NHS bodies, in relation to local authorities’ overview and scrutiny arrangements.
2Briefing for Parliamentarians on the Health and Care Bill
1Briefing on the removal of the power of referral to the Secretary of State, in response to the Public Bill Committee for the Health and Care Bill.
2Possible legislative provisions on scrutiny in the health Bill
1CfGS has produced a draft of possible provisions, either for the Health and Care Bill or subsequent Regulations, to support the continued operation of health scrutiny. These provisions aim to simplify existing Regulations by providing a strong and independent role for scrutiny which sits within the policy objectives set out in the White Paper. These […]
2Response to consultation: NHS System Oversight Framework, 2021/22
1CfGS has responded to the NHS’s consultation on its System Oversight Framework for 2021/22. This work links closely with our ongoing work on the wider accountability framework in the health and care system, and on the Health and Care Bill. May 2021
2Royal College of Nursing
1An independent governance review, with focus on decision-making, strategy, culture, structures and processes.
2Newcastle City Council
1An example of impact through health scrutiny training.