Author: Ed Hammond
Civility, equality, tolerance and the management of council meetings
A dive into relationships, behaviours and conduct management, involving members, officers, and the public.
Engaging with the outcome of peer review to inform improvement
Information about external review and peer-led assurance techniques, associated with the “Corporate Peer Challenge.”
Using insights from the Ombudsman to inform scrutiny
An outline of how complaints can improve the corporate governance process, with focus on Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.
The “Scrutiny Protocol” – new arrangements for scrutiny in combined authorities
Government guidance for combined authorities on overview and scrutiny arrangements, alongside a CfGS perspective and guide.
Fitting scrutiny into the local assurance framework
Exploration of how scrutiny is used effectively in quality assurance and who is responsible for this.
Councillors’ use of information
CfGS explainer on our guidance for councillors on their rights to access information.
Governance implications of Government intervention in local councils
Notes from our roundtable event on the governance implications of Government intervention in local councils.
Scrutiny of children’s services
Core elements in the Scrutiny of children’s services.
DHSC confirms new health scrutiny arrangements to start in January
Discussion piece on DHSC new health scrutiny arrangements.
Chief executive’s update: April 2023
Chief Executive update, 2023.