Author: Ian Parry
Building strong tenant involvement for housing associations
As the National Housing Federation’s Together with Tenants initiative is rolled out nationally this month, many housing associations will be taking a comprehensive look at their governance frameworks to ensure that they are applying best practice and are fully compliant with the principles of the TwT charter. Together with Tenants is designed to bring […]
Scrutiny locked out during lockdown?
Should we begin to get worried that nine weeks since the lock-down started and seven weeks since the Coronavirus Act offered councils the means to reinstate council meetings through online, remote communication platforms, some councils still have no scrutiny function, with some declaring plans to put scrutiny on hiatus until later in the year? It […]
Scrutiny as a friend to chaos
Is there a role for scrutiny when a council faces big and scary challenges? Does scrutiny step forward or slip back when the task becomes complex and risky? CfGS argue that there is no place for ‘shy scrutiny’. There has never been a topsy-turvier time in local government. Finances continue to decline, the pressures get […]
Public Service Providers – trust, transparency and scrutiny? Take part in our survey!
CfGS is working to support a business in the energy, services and regeneration market who serves organisations in the public sector (including councils, schools, hospitals, housing organisations). They are keen to provide transparency and scrutiny of their activities to build trust between the business, its customers and stakeholders and improve its service delivery and […]
Planning scrutiny training for the new municipal year
In local government leading up to May is a busy time of year as councils prepare and plan for a new council year and with all the potential changes that can bring in positions, committee places and if you are facing elections new members or even a change in administration. Whatever level of change you […]