Case study sector: Local Authority
Somerset West and Taunton Council
An example of how a Task and Finish Group addressed climate emergency, in collaboration with Scrutiny Committee and the Executive.
Glasgow City Council
Building a strategic approach to scrutiny though interactive development and coaching sessions for council members.
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Recommendations on how to improve the involvement of resident voice and overall council governance, post-Grenfell fire tragedy.
London Borough of Croydon
A local council governance review, with significant impact in formal governance arrangements and how backbenchers and the public are involved in decision-making.
London Borough of Merton
Example of our methodology for a scrutiny impact review, with recommendations for a council to put into action.
London Borough of Newham
Democracy review, with focus on engagement with local people as part of a wider Independent democracy commission.
Poole Borough Council
Design of programmes to align scrutiny and school improvement, delivering a positive impact on the local education system.
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
An example of impact though scrutiny essentials training.
Newcastle City Council
An example of impact through health scrutiny training.
Sunderland City Council
A case study on an overview and scrutiny review at city council level.