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News older than eighteen months can be found in the archive
Government guidance for combined authorities on overview and scrutiny arrangements, alongside a CfGS perspective and guide.
Exploration of how scrutiny is used effectively in quality assurance and who is responsible for this.
CfGS explainer on our guidance for councillors on their rights to access information.
Notes from our roundtable event on the governance implications of Government intervention in local councils.
Core elements in the Scrutiny of children’s services.
Discussion piece on DHSC new health scrutiny arrangements.
An account of how council chambers can have significant impact on how people relate to governance and scrutiny.
Ideas to increase the reach of scrutiny activities and increase public engagement.
Core elements for strengthening positive dynamics of member/officer relationships.
Step-by-step guide to putting together a scrutiny training and development programme.
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman perspective on investigating complaints about councils.
Results and reflections on the 2023 CfGS Annual Conference, Annual Conference.
ADSO, CfGS, LLG (the good governance hub) are in attendance at the LGA Conference 2023, stand T9. Join us to explore: • Learnings from best practice...
Please follow the link below for the updated CfGS Annual Conference Agenda. The Chair and Panel profiles can be found here: Panellist and Chair Profiles...
Headline findings of the 2023 CfGS annual survey of overview and scrutiny in local government.
Thoughts on the Hewitt Review on integrated care systems.
Cross-party Homelessness Task and Finish Working Group, launched to examine the impact of any increase in homelessness in Exeter as a result of benefit cuts and increases in the cost of living.
Exploration of how to prepare for a new a incoming administration.
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