Resource type: Publications

Regional Public Accounts Committees

This is the fourth edition of a technical paper first published in 2013.

Audit, Scrutiny and Risk

Our latest publication summarising research on how audit and scrutiny can work together to tackle the management and oversight of risk.

Annual Survey of Overview and Scrutiny – Results Report 2022-23

Read the results from our annual scrutiny survey in 2022-23.

Treasure Your Assets

The latest in our Treasure Your Assets series, designed to advise and guide councils in how to manage and control their financial assets.

Health scrutiny and the new reconfiguration arrangements

Guidance material to support practitioners to better understand how they can act on new arrangements for the scrutiny of local NHS reconfigurations.

Health scrutiny and the new reconfiguration arrangements

This is a guide to the new reconfiguration arrangements, issued to complement statutory guidance issued by Government on 9 January 2024.

Financial scrutiny – a guide for members

A guide to financial scrutiny, 2023.

Access to information for elected members

A publication on Access to Information for elected members.

Devolution and Good Mayoral Governance White Paper

A paper on the subject of directly elected Mayors in English (DEMs) local government, and as a feature of English combined authorities.

Inspecting local authority children’s services: Ofsted and the role of children’s services scrutiny

This paper supports the work of non-Executive Councillors involved in the business of local authority Children’s Scrutiny.