Team type: Associates
Cath Buckley
1Cath joined the CfGS team in June 2023 on a fixed term secondment. Since graduating from the University of Liverpool she has worked in a range of data analysis, policy/strategy and governance roles. Cath’s substantive role is at Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council where she leads the scrutiny and partnership team to deliver support to board […]
2Manisha Patel
1Manisha Patel is a consultant and coach. Manisha applies her unique interdisciplinary skillset to her work supporting organisations and individuals with systemic change. Manisha adopts a ‘floor to board’ approach with her inclusion and culture work, applying her coaching and facilitation skills to support leadership at every level. Manisha is currently working with a range […]
2Dr Dave McKenna
1Dave McKenna is an independent consultant and researcher who helps councils and other public bodies with training, research and facilitation. An associate with the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny since 2017, he was previously scrutiny manager at Swansea Council for 10 years. Dave has supported governance reviews, produced research reports and provided numerous training and […]
2Natalie Rotherham
1Natalie is seconded to CfGS from her substantive role of Head of Scrutiny at Herts County Council. She has been leading Scrutiny for 5 years and before that was the authority’s Scrutiny Officer. During her time in Scrutiny she has been the key officer for both Overview & Scrutiny and the Health Scrutiny Committee. She […]
2Dave Burn
1Dave is an independent consultant with over 38 years local government experience, specialising in governance and scrutiny. Partner Director of Frontline Consulting since 2021, Dave has led the support to Police Fire and Crime Panels since 2016, working extensively with panels to strengthen regional collaboration and supporting with training and development of both panel members and supporting officers. Dave works […]
2Lisa Smart
1Lisa Smart is an elected member of Stockport Council where she chairs both the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee and the Scrutiny Coordination Committee. Previously, she chaired the Housing, Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Lisa is a Regional Lead Peer for the Local Government Association […]
2Sunita Sharma
1Sunita is an experienced consultant, coach and facilitator drawing on her 30 years’ plus experience in local government. She has extensive experience in leading teams, working with elected members, and providing strategic policy advice and support to leaders in a variety of contexts and settings. Sunita takes a systems approach in her consultancy and coaching […]
2Paul Cutler
1Paul Cutler is a facilitator and consultant with over 30 years of experience providing support and advice to local government, the NHS and the community & voluntary sector. He specialises in governance, health systems, children’s services and public participation. He has held a variety of governance roles including board roles in the NHS, non-executive director […]