
The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny hosted a well attended and engaging national conference focusing on the current challenges facing scrutiny and sharing examples of excellent scrutiny work throughout the UK. With almost 200 attendees, the event saw a range of high profile national speakers and an opportunity for delegates from local government to discuss some key issues.

We were delighted with the turn-out and participation from the day and a big thank you to all the delegates that attended and the speakers and facilitators for their contribution.  

Slides used on the day can be downloaded below.

Presentations from the day

National Audit Office Aileen Murphie

Mick King – Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for England

Proving your impact – Dr Dave McKenna

Learning from Others – Tom Newman, Board Intelligence

Financial Scrutiny of Commercial Ventures – Ian Parry and Duncan Whitfield

Work Planning for Success – Sunita Sharma

Scrutiny Success Your Examples

Rishi Sunak MP Speech